Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth - Events

Summer Walk  14th July 2024

Election Hustings   26th June 2024

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AGM  23rd Jan 2024

Save our Teifi is a group highlighting the pollution in the Teifi and campaigning for the water industry to clean up its act.

Josh Beynon is the labour Councillor for Pembroke Doc, he has played an important role in pushing for greener policies and the adoption of the climate action plan

He has recently sent us an update which you can read here

Film Showing  3rd Dec 2023

Join us for our New Season which will open with Polite Society on Sunday 15th October.
We will be showing five films between now and Christmas at Templeton Village Hall, Templeton, SA67 8SB
Doors open from 7pm and the film will start at 7.30pm. The familiar teas, coffees and delicious puddings served before hand. 
Admission £5 on the door
Cert 12A – UK 2023 – Director Nida Manzoor
Running time: 103 minutes
Cast: Priya Kansara, Ritu Arya, Renu Brindle
Dedicated martial artist-in-training Ria Khan decides to rescue her older sister Lena from her impending marriage, recruiting her requally dangerous and determined friends to pull off the greatest wedding heist of all time.
The resulting riot of action, wit and wise cultural commentary is an upbeat, fun and endearing take on modern family life and sisterhood in a sometimes complicated world.
A must see film that will definitely make you laugh but is equally not afraid to confront important issues
With an endearing story and action-packed sequences, Manzoor’s Polite Society is a joyful movie that could potentially turn into an instant classic.
Cert PG – Wales 2022 – Director: Jim Archer
Running time: 90 minutes
Cast: David Earl, Chris Hayward, Louise Brealey
Brian is a lonely inventor in rural Wales who spends his days building quirky unconventional contraptions that seldom work. Undeterred by his lack of success, he soon attempts his biggest project yet. Using a washing machine and various spare parts, he invents Charles, an artificial intelligence robot that learns English from a dictionary and has an obsession with cabbages.
Filming location North Wales
BAFTA Award for Outstanding British Film.
Cert PG – Bhutan China 2020 Director: Pawo Choyning Dorji
Running time 110 minutes Languages: Dzongkha English
Cast: Sherab Dorji, Ugyen Norbu Lhendup, Kelden Lhamo Gurung
Enchanting Oscar-nominated drama about a daydreaming young teacher who is posted to a remote school in a Himalayan mountain village. Set against a haunting backdrop of extraordinary landscape and weather Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom is a simple story with a big heart -- and a reminder of film's ability to communicate universal truths across international borders.
Cert 15 – US 2022 Director: Daniel Goldhaber
Running time: 104 minutes
Cast: Ariela Barer Kristine Froseth Lukas Gage
A crew of young environmental activists execute a daring mission to sabotage an oil pipeline. Daniel Goldhaber's taut and timely thriller is part high-stakes heist, part radical exploration of the climate crisis. Based on the controversial book by Andreas Malm. 
2022 PG UK  Director: Anthony Fabian
Running time: 115 minutes
Story by: Paul Gallico
Cast: Lesley Manville, Isabelle Huppert, Jason Isaacs, Alba Baptista, 
Lambert Wilson, Lucas Bravo, Anna Chancellor
'Them days are over when you can treat people like scum and expect loyalty in return'.
Entertaining and Delightful!
Made in partnership with the House of Dior, this film adaption of Paul Gallico's1958 novel follows Mrs Ada Harris on a remarkable journey to fulfil her wildest dreams. At first look you might think it is only about wanting to own a beautiful dress but really it's much more about dreaming big and the value of friendship, love and family. 
Widowed and making ends meet working as a cleaning lady, Mrs Harris falls in love with the beautiful Dior designed dresses owned by her super rich and aristocratic employer, Lady Dant. She decides she absolutely must own one herself.
Lesley Manville is completely convincing as Mrs Harris, who, for the next three years scrimps and saves every penny she earns and with a little boost of winnings she finally has enough money to travel to Paris to buy her very own Dior dress. Naively she assumes that once you have the money you can enter that exclusive world of design couture, but it soon becomes clear that there are barriers to break down that she never imagined..
Determined,unflinching and with the support of her wonderful new friends, she will not stop until her dream becomes reality.
A feel good movie with a fair slice of witty and wise social commentary.
Academy Award for Best Costume Design

Egnio  17th June 2023

This is a great opportunity to meet members from other groups in South Wales

Rebecca will be going from Narberth and is happy to give anyone a lift from Penblewin.

If you are interested in a lift please email

The Oil Machine  12th March 2023

Sunday 12th March 7.30pm Queens Hall Narberth 

Admission free Refreshments from 7pm & an opportunity for discussion following the film


Oil has been an invisible machine at the core of our economy and society. It now faces an uncertain future as activists and investors demand change. Is this the end of oil?

By highlighting the complexities of how oil is embedded in our society – from high finance to cheap consumer goods The film considers how this machine can be tamed, dismantled, or repurposed.

We have five to ten years to control our oil addiction, and yet the licensing of new oil fields continues in direct contradiction with the Paris Climate Agreement. This documentary looks at how the drama of global climate action is playing out in the fight over North Sea oil.

AGM Thursday 26th January  26th Jan 2023

The AGM will start at 7 pm and then at 7.30 it will be followed by speakers, discussion and refreshments

Jess Moore: ‘Regenerative farming’

Elsa Pullman, FoE Cymru: update on campaigns across Wales, and what FoE Cymru can do to support local groups

Please come along and help us discuss our future campaigning both local and national


New Year Litter Pick  3rd Jan 2023

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AGM Thursday 7th April  7th April 2022

Imagine upending the traditional energy system and giving the power of clean electricity production back to your neighbours. We the Power follows friends, families and visionaries as they break down legislative barriers and take power back from big energy companies to put it in the hands of locals and strengthen their towns.

There will be refreshments and a chance to join a discussion on future campaigns for Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth

COP26 Coalition Demo  25th Sept 2021

The 18th to 25th is a week in which green protests and events around climate change are scheduled all across the country. Here in Pembrokeshire these will include the demonstration on the 25th and a school strike on the 24th.

EcoDewi is running a programme of events all week for more information go to gbgw

It is vital that we let politicians know how much this issue means to us. So dress up, come along and bring your friends and family.

You can down load the Poster for the demonstration here. Please pass on the message

The Story of Plastic  21st May 2020

THE STORY OF PLASTIC takes a sweeping look at the man-made crisis of plastic pollution and the worldwide effect it has on the health of our planet and the people who inhabit it. Spanning three continents, the film illustrates the ongoing catastrophe: fields full of garbage, veritable mountains of trash, rivers and seas clogged with waste, and skies choked with the poisonous emissions from plastic production and processing. It features interviews with experts and activists on the front lines of the fight, revealing the disastrous consequences of the flood of plastic smothering ecosystems and poisoning communities around the world, and the global movement that is rising up in response. With engaging original animation, archival industry footage beginning in the 1930s, and first-person accounts of the unfolding emergency, the film distills a complex problem that is increasingly affecting the planet’s and its residents’ well-being.

The Way Out  18th March 2020

 His invitation is to stop running and to take a good look at what is really going on. To see what views drive our behaviour, how our thought patterns and our emotions work, and why we got into trouble with the climate in the first place. In silence, we will better understand ourselves and the Earth.

We follow two young people, a Brazilian banker and a British activist, during a stressful period in their lives. Will they be able to save the earth — beginning with(in) themselves? 

The showing of this film is made possible by the kind donations from Friends of the Earth, Transition Bro Gwaun and GreenSpirit. Booking via

AGM  23rd Jan 2020

THE NEED TO GROW is an intimate look into the hearts of activists and innovators in the food movement.  The film follows pioneers of cutting edge technology as they fight to localise sustainable food systems and regenerate Earth's dying soils.


Environmental Hustings  6th Dec 2019

The doors will open at 7pm for refreshments with the meetings starting at 7.30pm. If you have a question please email them to or bring them along written out with your name.

All the candidates will be attending except for Stephen Crabb. The candidates will be introduced by the chair and given 4 minutes to set out their policies before taking questions from the floor. 

Please come along and show the candidates what an important issue the environment is. You can download fliers here. Bring friends and family too.

The Mountains Agonised  3rd Oct 2019

Of late the Mighty Himalayas have been reduced to a huge construction site: more than 900 hydro power projects are coming up , to generate 27,000 megawatts of electricity. Natural flows of life sustaining rivers are being ruthlessly altered and the mountains are being defaced beyond recognition , while scores of communities are being thrown into uncertain futures.


National Gathering  26th Sept 2019

The FoE Cymru National Gathering 2019 is taking place on 27th - 29th September

This year’s theme is Climate Action - Rising to the Challenge

There'll be a range of speakers and practical workshops across a weekend in the beautiful surroundings of Gladstone's Library.

Get your tickets now


Beaver Walk  18th July 2019

For more information click here

and for directions click here

Extinction Rebellion Climate Change Talk  15th Feb 2019

We are facing the 6th mass extinction with species and biomass declining at an unprecedent rate.

Our governments are failing us and we need to act now.


AGM  29th Nov 2018

This year we are showing a film about the damming of the rivers of the Balkan's and the impact of this on the landscape the natural habitats and the entire community, as well as wider issues for climate change. The film lasts about 40 minutes so there will be time for a discussion about the film and the issues it raises. We also would like to explore our campaign priorities for the year to come.

Do come bring your friends. Download the poster/fliers here

Litter Pick  5th August 2018

As part of Plastic Free Narberth we are hoping to hold a series of litter picks around the area.

Please join us on our first one and bring friends and family

Download our flyer

One Planet Development  23rd July 2018

One Planet Development offers a transition to a more sustainable way of life, by providing a way for people to live and work on their own land, with measurable social, economic and environmental benefits. It’s good for both the rural and urban communities of Wales, and can serve as an inspiration to the rest of the world.

Stackpole Walk  21st July 2018

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Anti Trump Demo  13th July 2018

In the wake of complete moral failure from our elected representatives on the Heathrow vote (415:119 in favour of the third runway - more on that here), in two weeks the government will roll out the red carpet for Donald Trump.

We believe that it's really important that climate activists (and everyone else!) get out onto the streets to protest his visit, and if possible make it down to the national demonstration in London on the afternoon of Friday 13th.

Why? One year ago, he announced US withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement. While other countries may have a shameful record on implementing climate action, only Trump has stood up to say that his country will withdraw completely. We can only successfully act on climate change globally, recognising our common humanity. The man who calls immigrants an 'infestation' and incarcerates toddlers also denies any responsibility for those suffering from climate change now and in the future - racism and fossil fuel cronyism a toxic mix.

Pick up points;
Fishguard Town Square - 6.00 AM
Haverfordwest Bus Station - 6.30 AM
Carmarthen Bus Station - 7.15 AM
Swansea West Services, M4, MOTO - Penllergaer, 7.45 AM


Plastic Free Narberth Steering Group  4th July 2018

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Plastic Free Narberth Launch  7th May 2018

Come along to support this exciting initiative to promote the responsible use of plastics.

We want to see the end of single use plastics

Improved rates of recycling

An end to the littering of our countryside and rivers

80% of the plastic in the sea comes from the land

We want your ideas pledges and enthusiasm to help Narberth to join this exciting movement for change


Skye’s The Limit 

Skye's The Limit documents Cal Major's solo circumnavigation of the Isle of Skye, Scotland, on stand up paddle board. In a bid to highlight that even these wild, remote and beautiful places are vulnerable to plastic pollution, Cal braves 200 miles of ripping tidal races, storms, strong winds and massive swell to journey around the island and access even the most remote beaches. With over 100,000 sea mammals and over a million sea birds killed every year as a result of plastic pollution, Skye's The Limit demonstrates that even wild and seemingly untouched places like this aren't safe against this threat, but how with simple changes we can all be a part of the solution.

Basecamp  1st May 2018


Basecamp is Friends of the Earth's annual environmental festival. It runs for 3 days and is set in the heart of the stunning Peak District.

Discover a mix of training sessions, talks, creative workshops and great entertainment.

Whether you’re a seasoned campaigner looking to meet allies, or new to activism and want to gain key skills, Basecamp is the place to go to take action, make connections and build resilience.

This is a great chance to network and influence the direction of Friends of the Earth in a beautiful location.

You can camp or book accomodation

Is Pembrokeshire ready to go plastic free?  24th April 2018


Are you involved with and/or interested in the cicrular economy, and in particular, reducing the use of plastics?

If so, this event, organised by PLANED and part of its Valuing the Environment network is for you. Please book your place using Eventbrite by 17 April.

5.45pm - Arrival and refreshments
6.15pm - Welcome and speakers:
Peter Davies - Building a Wales Clean Seas Partnership
Amroth and Saundersfoot Community Councils - Marine litterproject
Cllr. Laurence Blackhall - Plastic-free Tenby
Plastic-free Aberporth
7.30pm - Workshops

Any questions, please contact Benjamin on 01834 860965 or via

Demain  11th Feb 2018

This feel-good, inspirational movie is about the pioneers reinventing agriculture, transport, energy, the economy, democracy and education around the world.
This film reveals the ways in which activists and citizens are making the world a better, greener, more sustainable place. In partnership with WOW Wales One World Film Festival.
Delicious cakes, soup, bread and cheese made where possible from surplus food will be available thanks to the support of our volunteers and the "Make a Meal Of It" project.
There will be a community bus available for a small fee, get in touch with if you need a lift.
This is a Pay-What-You-Can event, please make a donation if you are able to help cover our costs.
The Queens Hall, Narberth Sunday 11 February 2018, 17:30
Pay What You Can £0.00 0

AGM 2017  18th Jan 2018

The AGM on 30th November, 6.45pm at the Bloomfield Centre will be followed by a showing of the documentary film Cowspiracy

Directors  Kip Andersen & Keegan Kuhn

Featuring  Michael Pollan, Dr. Richard Oppenlander, Dr. Will Tuttle, Howard Lyman & Will Potter

Made in 2014 this film is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following an intrepid filmmaker as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world's leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. As eye-opening as Blackfish and as inspiring as An Inconvenient Truth, this shocking yet humorous documentary reveals the absolutely devastating environmental impact large-scale factory farming has on our planet.

A Party to Celebrate 30 years  8th July 2017

Tickets cost:  £5 members, £10 non members

Bring a bottle

Bunkroom accommodation & camping is available overnight cost £10 per person

For those who stay we are planning a walk on Sunday morning

Please send cheques to:

Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth, C/O Shipping Factory, Valley Road, Narberth SA67 8BS

Email Bettina to book your accommodation:

AGM and film This Changes Everything  1st Dec 2016

Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth AGM and film showing

We will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 1st Dec at 6.45pm.  This will be held at the Bloomfield Centre, Narberth

Following the AGM, we will serve refreshments, then at 7.30pm we will show the Avi Lewis film of the book

This Changes Everything
by Naomi Klein

The film takes a look at seven communities around the world, and poses the proposition that we can seize the crisis of climate change to transform our failed economic system into something radically better.

This evening is a good opportunity to talk to the people who run Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth, and ask questions about the environment.  You can also find out about joining the group, to help us to protect the environment, both locally and on a wider scale,

Sea Empress Oral History Exhibition  27th Nov 2016

With a launch party on 18th November, an exhibition of the Sea Empress disaster of 20 years ago will be open until 27th November at the Reading Room in Manorbier.

This exhibition is the culmination of a programme of events arranged by artist and film-maker Abigail Sidebotham who is delivering a project aimed not just at remembering the Sea Empress disaster but also extending understanding of its impact 20 years on.  Events included a talk and photography workshop with top conservation photographer Garth Lenz, and a presentation of local wildlife recordings by Rob St John and Mick Brown.

"It's been a fascinating and really revealing experience interviewing local people who remember the oil spill," explains Abigail, adding that two decades on she wanted to try and look beyond the economic and ecological impacts and towards the psychological and existential effects.

"Everyone has a different memory of it, but what they have in common was a need to do something about it."

Abigail's interviews, recorded with the assistance of local volunteers, are being made into an oral history archive which will be exhibited at Manorbier Reading Room. It will then be held at the National Library of Wales and the Tenby Museum.

The project, enabled by money from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Beatrice Plunkett, also includes creative work with local schoolchildren, a series of themed newspapers and a programme of talks and film screenings.

“So much of our local history is woven into people’s reminiscences and experiences. Thanks to National Lottery players, the Sea Empress project will capture these elements of Pembrokeshire’s shared history - in danger of disappearing as it slips out of human memory,” added Richard Bellamy, Head of HLF Wales.

The renowned photographer, Garth Lenz, a senior fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers, is best known for his project The True Cost of Oil which examines the impact of the oil industry on the natural world.  "The Sea Empress oil spill anniversary provides a cautionary tale of the risk of these enterprises," says Lenz. "Just as the comparison of the Pembrokeshire coast and Pembroke oil refinery provide a visual contrast of the consequences of tying the local economy to heavy industry versus one based on the beauty of the natural environment."

The exhibition will be launched on 18th Nov at 3pm,  and will be open daily from 19th - 27th Nov from 11am - 5pm, at the Reading Room, Manorbier.

Further information available by emailing Abigail Sidebotham, or on the project blog at:

Public meeting and debate on biomass gasification plant  7th July 2016

Public meeting and debate on Egnedol's plans for a waste and biomass gasification plant

Promising clean energy OR dangerous, unproven technology


Thursday, 7th July, 7.30 pm
Lord Nelson Hotel, 9 Hamilton Terrace, Milford Haven, SA73 3AA

With speakers from Friends of the Earth, Biofuelwatch and others.  Egnedol has been invited.

For more information, email

See also

Summer Solstice Celebration  19th June 2016

We hope to have a guide for the walk which should take about an hour. We will be collecting donations to help refugees and will have a refugee volunteer, Steve Wilson, talk about his time out in Athens. Please bring food, drink, wood, any musical instruments and poems to celebrate the Summer Solstice. There is parking available at Tregwynt Mill if the road-side is full. If anyone would like to share a lift please ring Karina Russell tel. 01437563670, Mob - 07771610506 who will try and coordinate lifts.

EU referendum  26th May 2016

The referendum on Europe is one of the biggest decisions in a generation. But what has the European Union done for the UK‘s environment? If the environment had a vote, would it be ‘In’ or ‘Out’?

Join Friends of the Earth and Environmentalists for Europe in Cardiff on Thursday May 26, to find out the answers to these critical questions.

Come and engage in an exciting discussion with our keynote speakers:

  • Lord Deben (John Gummer) - Chair, Committee on Climate Change
  • Huw Irranca-Davies - Welsh Labour and Co-Operative Assembly Member
  • Jill Evans - Plaid Cymru MEP
  • Sam Lowe - EU referendum campaign manager, Friends of the Earth
  • Rachel Sharp - CEO, Wildlife Trust Wales

Book your free tickets to bag your seat today!

Friends of the Earth will be hosting a series of similar events accross the UK, click here to see our EU referendum roadshow map

Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) is in favour of the UK remaining a member of the EU. Here are our reasons for taking this position.

Seats are limited and are on a first come, first served basis.

Looking forward to seeing you there

Please arrive at 18:45 for a 19:00 start.



Senior Eco Cohousing  3rd May 2016

 Vintage Green Senior Eco Cohousing

Vintage Green Cohousing is proposing a visionary scheme to meet the challenge of an ageing population in Wales. An alternative approach that is affordable, sustainable and sociable, and demonstrates a positive approach to this stage of life for the over 50’s

In a cohousing community, the site and shared facilities are managed by the residents. Each household has a small, self-contained private home, which could be owned or rented, and there is a common house where residents come together to manage their community, share activities, and regularly eat together.

An important aspect of this project is to make the housing affordable, and environmentally as well as socially sustainable. The buildings will be insulated to the highest standards, reducing the need for heating. We will make the best use of natural lighting and renewable energy. We want it to be a truly green project with communal and private gardens for us to relax in and enjoy and benefit from our own fresh vegetables. The site will be in or near a town or village with access to public transport and other facilities; we will have a car sharing scheme.

Vintage Green is a member the UK Cohousing Network which supports and encourages similar projects throughout the UK.  We would like to invite any over- fifties, single and couples, who would like to have an active involvement in the creation and management of this project here in West Wales to a public meeting at Hermon Community Centre on Tuesday 3rd May at 7.30pm, at which Anne Kear, Executive Director of the UK Cohousing Network will be speaking.

Picture credit: SNUG homes by Ecomotive - gives an impression of how we might envisage our community

Any Green Questions?  21st April 2016

Come and question your Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire prospective Assembly Member candidates on their policies for the environment

Thursday 21st April 7.30pm

Seminar Room, Bloomfield Centre, Narberth SA67 7ES

Chaired by Gordon James

Angela Burns - Conservative

Marc Tierney - Labour

 Simon Thomas - Plaid Cymru

Alistair Cameron - Lib Dem

Val Bradley - Green Party

Chris Overton - Independent

Please email your written questions to or bring them on the night.

Refreshments available from 7pm

Download the poster

Merchants of Doubt  18th March 2016

Inspired by the acclaimed book by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, MERCHANTS OF DOUBT takes audiences on a satirically comedic, yet illuminating ride into the heart of conjuring American spin. Filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the curtain on a secretive group of highly charismatic, silver- tongued pundits-for-hire who present themselves in the media as scientific authorities – yet have the contrary aim of spreading maximum confusion about well-studied public threats ranging from toxic chemicals to pharmaceuticals to climate change.

Wall Street Journal

"Provocative and improbably entertaining."

Los Angeles Times

"An enthralling film. As fascinating as it is horrifying."

Please come along and bring your friends.

Download the poster

Divestment Networking Event  20th Feb 2016

The idea behind this session is twofold

  1.  We would like to progress the Local Authority Divestment campaign in 2016. The campaign gives us the opportunity to work together as local groups on a regional basis in a way that other campaigns haven’t done for a long time as the L.A Pension Funds are grouped in the old county structure. So we would like to come together, update you all on what the latest state of play is and then we can work out a way of working together in a fun and exciting way which will hopefully lead to campaign success but also be a means for us all to recruit new members into our local groups
  2. The Welsh Assembly elections are happening on 5th May 2016. We will be doing some work around these elections as they offer us an excellent opportunity to talk to new and existing AMs about our campaign and policy asks. We have had a bit of a different idea of how FOE groups could get involved if you wish – we would like to recruit film student volunteers (or at least someone with good video and editing experience and ability) to help you interview local candidates about some of our key campaign and policy asks and then we can all use these on social media. It’s a bit different and more of an interactive way of quizzing candidates that will also give us all a higher profile if these get shared across social media. The idea is that we get new volunteers in to help you do all this so it doesn’t become a big deal in terms of time commitment.


Proposed structure:

10.00 – 11.45 – Divestment (update on campaign, sharing successes from other parts of the UK followed by a session on how we can work together regionally in groups, what sort of information do we need to gather, what sort of events can we put on, how can we involve more people, how do we make this fun and also looking ahead to a proposed day of action that is being organised for November 2016 time)

 11.45 – 12.15 – refreshments/early lunch

 12.15 – 2.00 – Welsh Assembly elections (update on FOE Cymru ‘asks’ and what we have planned, how local groups can get involved and how we can best use the idea of video vox-pops with candidates (an example is here with Leanne Wood prior to the UK General Election  ). We will be trying to recruit new volunteers to help you with this when the time comes but in the meantime, if you have decent smart phones, do bring them and we can try videoing a suitable ‘volunteer’ ;-)

Trashed  22nd Nov 2015

We buy it, we bury it, we burn it and then we ignore it. Having faced the worst through much of TRASHED, Jeremy Irons turns to hope. He goes in search of solutions. From individuals who have changed their lives and produce almost no waste, to increasing anti-waste legislation, to an entire city which is now virtually waste-free, he discovers that change is not only essential, but happening.

Doors open at 7pm for dessert and refreshments

AGM 3rd November  3rd Nov 2015

Over the last 14 years John has made annual trips to the region. He will give an illustrated talk on the diversity of temperate plant flora in Western China, the history of plant collecting by Westerners and the importance of these plants to gardeners. He will also illustrate some of the problems of rapid economic change in China and its impact on the Tibetan people and others living in the provinces of Yunnan,Sichuan and Qinghai

COCA Harvest Party  29th August 2015

After last year’s epic event we will once again be hosting our Harvest Party on Saturday August 29th at Caerhys Farm, Berea.

This year we will be kicking things off much earlier with the farm gates opening at midday and festivities running on until late into the evening. We have got a host of talented Pembrokeshire musicians playing including Little Arrow, daisyb, Pembrokeshire Ukelele Pirates, Easy Street and Cariad. We will also have a DJ to round off the night.

At the start of the afternoon Gerald will be giving a guided tour of the farm and show people the ins and outs of ‘community supported agriculture.’ Caz will be doing the same but specifically for families and will give children (and grown ups!) the opportunity to meet the cheeky rear breed Oxford Sandy & Black pigs and beautiful Welsh Black cattle. During the afternoon we will also have Cooking Demonstration from Pembrokeshire Cook and a talk by renowned scientist Dr Claire Robinson on a subject close to our hearts which is the use of Genetically Modified ingredients in non-organic food.

There will be lots of other brilliant folk there to entertain the kids (and grown ups!) including Magic from Tom Luddington, Face Painting from Lucy Rees, Pizza Making Workshop from Torth y Tir’s Rupert Dunn and twig pencil making by Ben Hughes.

There will be local ales from Gethin’s Cider, Bluestone Brewing Co and the Hand Made Beer Co. There will also be a range of wine and organic soft drinks.

There will be a range of food there to suit everyone’s taste including a warm and cold selection made from COCA grown veggies and salads, organic burgers and sausages from the best pork and beef reared at Caerhys, pizza made in COCA’s cob oven by our talented peasant baker member Rupert Dunn and delicious cakes by Lou Luddington.

Tickets will be £10 for adults, £5 for ages 12 to 15 and free for under 12s. There will be free camping on the Friday and Saturday nights for those who want to make a weekend of it (but please reserve your pitch in advance by emailing Gerald on

We are all really excited about August 29th but it will take a big effort by all involved to make it a success again. If anyone is able to help out on the day with the entrance gate, working the bar, helping with the kids area or just keeping the place clean and tidy it would be really appreciated…and in return for a two hour volunteer slot you can have a free entry ticket and free drink.

Get tickets in advance from Gerald at the Farm or from TYF Adventure on High Street, St Davids.

Marloes Walk  21st June 2015

Thanks to advice provided by Chris Jessop, we are pleased to say that a walk has been arranged at Marloes for the 21st of June. We will be led by Kate Lock of the Skomer Marine Nature Reserve, who will share her expertise on local wildlife, with support from Chris, who will provide information on local history and other issues. The walk will begin at ten a.m. at Marloes Sands Car Park where we will follow the coast path along Marloes Sands and round to the Old Deer Park car park. If any wish to return to Marloes Sands car park at this stage they can be driven back. The rest will continue to the Iron Age fort and then to the bird hide at Marloes Meare. Kate tells me that this route could be deviated from should the walkers wish or if the weather requires it. We anticipate ending the walk at around one p.m. when we can go to the Lobster Pot pub or The Clock House Cafe for some grub.

Anyone interested in booking a place on the walk should contact Karina on 01437 563670 or   

The walk is free to members, we will ask non-members to contribute £5 unless they join on the day, of course!


Looking forward to seeing you all.

Any Green Question  14th April 2015

Carmarthen and Pembrokeshire FoE welcome you and all 6 of the prospective parliamentary candidates for Carmathen West and South Pembrokeshire. The meeting will be chaired by Gordon James, former director of Friends of the Earth Cymru. It starts at 7pm, refreshments will be available. Please email your questions in advance or bring your written questions with you.

Lets show the candidates the environment matters!

TIR  13th April 2015

This exhibition is running until 30th May and some of the proceeds will be donated to Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth for which we are very grateful.

View the Poster here

Hustings For Preseli Pembrokeshire  8th April 2015

Come along and meet the candidates

For more details contact

Planet Ocean  11th Jan 2015

Sunday 11th January 7.30pm The Queens Hall Narberth
Admission £4.50
Free to Film on Sunday club members
Doors open 7pm refreshments available
Winner of UK Green Film Festival Best Film Award
Can we imagine a film that would change the way people look at the ocean? Can we explain simply, to everyone, the greatest natural mystery of our planet? And lastly, can we help our children believe in a better and more sustainable world tomorrow?

Download the Poster

This is the triple challenge of a new cinema adventure designed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and editor- in-chief Michael Pitiot. Thanks to its astonishing photography, the film takes us on a magnificent and unprecedented journey into the heart of the least known regions of our planet.

Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth AGM Thursday 20th November, 6.45pm   20th Oct 2014

In this explosive follow-up to his Oscar®-nominated film GASLAND, filmmaker Josh Fox uses his trademark dark humor to take a deeper, broader look at the dangers of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, the controversial method of extracting natural gas and oil, now occurring on a global level (in 32 countries worldwide).
GASLAND PART II, which premiered at the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival, shows how the stakes have been raised on all sides in one of the most important environmental issues facing our nation today. The film argues that the gas industry’s portrayal of natural gas as a clean and safe alternative to oil is a myth and that fracked wells inevitably leak over time, contaminating water and air, hurting families, and endangering the earth’s climate with the potent greenhouse gas, methane. In addition the film looks at how the powerful oil and gas industries are in Fox's words "contaminating our democracy".

Anti Fracking Demonstration  11th Oct 2014

Join the national rally at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay on Saturday 11th October (12-2pm) and make the Welsh Government listen - they could ban it immediately!
• Say NO to fracking in Wales
• Speakers from organisations, communities groups and political parties
• Dress-code workmen/women – hard hats, high viz- jackets bring placards etc!

Mininbus transport from Pembrokeshire
Pick-ups at Narberth 9am and Carmarthen 9.45am
(return from Senedd at 2.15pm)
Call Kiri Howell on 079 44 22 97 85 to book a space – first come first serve as places limited.

Finding Hope  13th April 2014

For full details download the poster.

To reserve you place download the booking form

AGM 2014  23rd Jan 2014

A Film by Marcus Imhoof

More Than Honey takes in all the things hurting bees - overbreeding, pesticides, farming practices that upset their life cycles. By the time we see Chinese workers slowly and painfully pollinate trees by hand, unable to perform a fraction of one hive’s work, it’s clear that Imhoof is issuing a warning. Without any preachiness, this magically beautiful film urges us to take better care of the bees, and honor the irreplaceable things that they do for us. Farran Smith Nehme, New York Post.

It is a wonderful film

Chasing Ice  24th Nov 2013

Sunday 24th November 7.30pm The Queens Hall  Narberth

Admission £4.50

Free to Film on Sunday club members

Doors open 7pm refreshments available


Acclaimed environmental photographer James Balog was once a sceptic about climate change. But through his Extreme Ice Survey, he discovers undeniable evidence of our changing planet. In Chasing Ice, Balog deploys revolutionary time-lapse cameras to capture a multi-year record of the world's changing glaciers. His hauntingly beautiful videos compress years into seconds and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a breathtaking rate.

Travelling with a team of young adventurers across the brutal Arctic, Balog risks his career and his well-being in pursuit of the biggest story facing humanity. Chasing Ice depicts a heroic photojournalist on a mission to deliver fragile hope to our carbon-powered planet.

Fracking  21st Nov 2013

Pembrokeshire South East Energy Group present a talk and discussion on Fracking by john Childs of Swansea Friends of the Earth

New Hedges Village Hall Thursday 21st november 7pm

Bee Poetry with Sue Richardson  25th Oct 2013

Following her successful series of Bee Poetry workshops Sue Richardson will be presenting an evening of Bee Poetry in support of Friends of the Earth's Bee Cause

More Than Honey  23rd Oct 2013

More Than Honey

Showing at

Theatr Mwldan Cardigan

6 pm 14th to 23rd October

For tickets and confirmation of the times go to

More Than Honey takes in all the things hurting bees - overbreeding, pesticides, farming practices that upset their life cycles. By the time we see Chinese workers slowly and painfully pollinate trees by hand, unable to perform a fraction of one hive’s work, it’s clear that Imhoof is issuing a warning. Without any preachiness, this magically beautiful film urges us to take better care of the bees, and honor the irreplaceable things that they do for us.

Farran Smith Nehme, New York Post


Poetry Workshop with Susan Richardson  15th Sept 2013

FoE Pembrokeshire invites writers of all levels of experience to come along to a bee-themed poetry workshop, led by eco-poet Susan Richardson. This is one of series of workshops that are being held in different parts of Wales to coincide with, and support, FoE's Bee Cause project.

In a fun, stimulating and supportive environment, you will be guided through a series of writing exercises, be inspired by a variety of bee-themed prompts, and receive valuable feedback on the poems you produce. In the process, you will explore how poetry can encourage people to take direct action and also how it can engage new and wider audiences with the Bee Cause in an imaginative and dynamic way.

Susan is an experienced poet, performer and educator who specialises in environmental/wildlife/conservation themes
and who has more than fifteen years’ experience of encouraging people of all ages and backgrounds to engage
with the natural world and environmental issues through writing.

For further information about her work, please visit

There is no cost for attending the workshop. Please bring paper and pens with you.

Places are strictly limited, so book early to avoid disappointment by emailing

Narberth Children's Festival  15th August 2013

We will be running a stall at the Children's Festival.

The theme is endangered Species and our stall will be all about Bees. 

There will be Bee activities and information for children of all ages.

So please come along and JOIN THE FUN

Lammas Eco Village Guided Tour   27th July 2013

Lammas eco village guided tour on 
Saturday 27th July at 11am

The tour will be lead by Melissa who keeps bees and we will visit her apiary.
There is a charge of £4 per person

Meet at the car park by the visitors centre(Hub) at Lammas at 11am. Go through the village of Glandwr, carry straight on, the entrance to the eco-village is on the left hand side of the road, clearly marked.

Phone Eleanor at :- 01437 532575 to lift share from Narberth/ Glandy Cross.

Another Wonderful Wildlife Walk With Mick  26th May 2013

Following the success of our trips to Skomer and Ramsay Islands with expert guide Mick Brown over the last two years, we were hoping to visit Skokholm Island this year. Unfortunately, this will have to be postponed a year as work on the jetty at Skokholm has not been completed and boats cannot land.

Instead we have organised a walk with Mick from Marloes Sands car park to the Deer Park at Martin’s Haven. This should be a fascinating talk because of the abundance of wildlife and rich geology in the area, to which Mick will bring in comments about the offshore islands. 


The walk will take place on Sunday 26th of May, setting off from Marloes car park at 10.30 and finishing at around 4.30 p.m. As there will be no boat and landing charges, it will be cheaper costing £6 per person for    members  and £10 for non-members (children free).



Cardigan Green Fair  25th May 2013

Always surprising and uplifting. There will be talks throughout, stalls , old farm machinery, poultry etc
WORKSHOPS Hands on woodwork & wool work. shops all day .
Green Building 11. am
Gardening forum12am [in eco shop ]
Dr.Calvin Jones 2pm
Charlie's home [haw to save it] 3.30
Home education information 3.30 [ in eco shop]
Group Land / homes buy 4.00 pm
Films ...Ben lore 10.00, , Lammas..2.00. [films will have showings other days too]

Doctor Calvin Jones will be giving his unforgettable talk/presentation which explains the economy so simply and dramatically it actually makes sense. Though not very reassuring it is great to see the full picture and the choices ahead.
Kids will have craft ,circus etc workshops and body art.
Bob amser yn syndod a dyrchafol
Live chickens for eggs, meat and looking good.

Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth will be running a stall so come and check us out
For more information go to

Andy Atkins to visit West Wales  13th May 2013

Carmarthen and Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth have arranged this joint event. This is a great opportunity to hear the director of Friends of the Earth talking about the shape of our future. The talk will be followed by refreshments and discussion

Monday 13th May 7.45pm Seminar Room Bloomfield Centre Narberth

Earth seeks friends!  9th May 2013

Environmental group WLTM enthusiastic Pembrokeshire for a fun, active relationship. You will be either M or F, aged between 16-99, with a GSOH and desire to save the planet. Must have positive outlook on life and enjoy action rather than words.

All are invited to Pembrokeshire Friends of the Earth’s May meeting on 9th May at Span Arts Town Moor Narberth where you can:

-   Find out more about Friends of the Earth
-   Have your say about local environmental issues which need addressing
-   Find out more about the solutions
-   Help with campaigns
-   Meet like-minded people in your area

The group are looking forward to meeting new volunteers and would like as many people as possible to be involved. The group has a strong background of campaigning on local issues around Pembrokeshire as well as national and global issues such as climate change.

If you cannot make it to this meeting do contact us or come to a future meeting. These meetings are held monthly details on the website.

The Plant Sale  4th May 2013

Once again Pembrokeshire friends of the Earth has a Stall at the Narberth Plant Sale run by Span Arts. This year we are hoping for a Bee theme. In addition to plants we will have wildflower seeds and local honey for sale. There will also be cards and letters for people to sign calling for a Bee Action Plan. If you have any spare plants Please let us know 

Meeting US activist - Bryan Parras  12th April 2013

A chance to meet and share ideas with Bryan Parras who is one of the Gulf Coast’s most dynamic activists fighting for social and environmental justice issues up and down the I-10 corridor, which spans the continental United States. 
He is raising awareness around the potential harms and environmental effects of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline; he is mobilizing communities against port expansions within Houston and in other port cities along the Gulf; and he is reaching out to communities that have been greatly affected by the BP oil disaster along the Gulf Coast as an outreach coordinator for the Gulf Study.
He has also been involved with Tar Sands Blockade which  has joined with people from a wide variety of backgrounds who believe that the extraction of tar sands in Canada is “game over” for the climate. Tar Sands Blockade is ready to build a movement to stop the Keystone XL pipeline

AGM  17th Jan 2013

Pembrokeshire FoE AGM 2013

Thursday 17th January 2013 7pm

Seminar Room, Bloomfield Centre, Narberth

Followed by refreshments and at 7.30pm a showing of the film Four Horsemen

Download the poster

Windy Sunday  2nd Dec 2012

12pm-5pm Sunday 2nd December Old School, Hermon Resource Centre, Hermon

Global Day of Action  1st Dec 2012

To book your place on the minibus contact 

Sustainable Development in Wales - An update  26th Nov 2012

The opportunity to discuss the forth coming sustainable development bill white paper and in form the role of the commissioner in advising welsh government.

With Peter Davies, Sustainable Futures Commissioner and Chairman of the Climate Change Commission for Wales

For further information please contact Bettina Becker 01437 768422

Even the Rain  25th Nov 2012

Even the Rain is an insightful, fascinating film within a film, highlighting the ongoing struggles and cycle of exploitation of the South American indigenous peoples . 500 years after Columbus, sticks and stones once again confront the high-tech weaponry of a modern army. David against Goliath. Only this time the fight is not over gold, but the simplest of life-giving elements - water
“A splendid film about a movie crew blindsided by the real world.” Hollywood Reporter
“A gripping film” The Internationalist

Download Poster from resources

PSEEG Autumn Programme  22nd Nov 2012

20th September 2012
Learn about our Community Energy Project designed to put money into local communities - speaker Steve Hack of Seren Energy Ltd

18th October 2012
Sean Black from Silverstone Green Energy will be showing us ways of 'Saving Energy – Saving Money' through the Government's Green Deal

22nd November 2012
An illustrated talk on the Atlantic Array – the wind farm planned for the Bristol Channel

Held in New Hedges Village Hall at 7.00pm.

Tar sands coming to town?  30th Oct 2012

India, ecosystems and aluminium mining  23rd August 2012

Talk and discussion, with photos and film
by Felix Padel
Thursday 23rd August
7.30pm The Queen’s Hall Gallery
Free admission

Download poster from resources page

Revitalising our Community  23rd August 2012

Transitionarberth present

Revitalising our Community ( Sustainable Economics)

Guest speakers
Leanne Wood 
Leader of Plaid Cymru
Mollie Scott Cato 
Professor of Stategy and Sustainability at Roehampton University

Tuesday September 4th, 7.30 to 9pm, The Seminar Room, Bloomfield Centre, Narberth

This will be followed by an
Open Session 
to discuss outcomes from the event
Saturday September 8th 2.30 to 4.30, Seminar Room, Bloomfields Centre, Narberth

Entry is free to both events ( donations welcome)


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